Asset Owners
Playing a central role in social protection or asset growth is your mission by providing insurance services, pension benefits or returns that will allow the financing of future projects, sometimes the three of them together: protecting your assets is fundamental.
When selecting SGSS, as a division of Societe Generale, you benefit from the soundness of a universal bank regulated by the European Central Bank with 60 billion euros of shareholders’ equity, the second-largest European Custodian. And of course the protection of your assets also includes the protection of your data, which implies constantly adapting to new threats
In order to grow your business, maximise your performance and manage your risks, you may be investing in very different asset classes through various vehicles and running sophisticated hedging strategies, using various providers. You therefore need to rely on strong expertise and on an integrated operational platform adding to multi-local specialists the most accurate, complete and detailed view of your assets.
SGSS’ ambition is to be your global partner, understanding your complex environment and implementing the solution to make your daily activity simple. For this purpose, we enjoy one of the largest EMEA proprietary networks, providing customers with a comprehensive team of specialists in local regulations and market characteristics. But SGSS also gives you a consolidated view of your activity with a service to aggregate positions wherever they are kept. These positions can be priced, serviced, enriched by examining data collected from third parties, validated through strong quality control and reused in further data processing, typically regulatory, risk, performance, or ESG reporting.