SFDR : Publication of Q&A from ESAs on the SFDR Delegated Regulation


On November 17, 2022, the ESAs published a Q&A for SFDR that provides a lot of detail on the calculation methodologies for PAI and Taxonomy as well as some definitions.

For example, clarifications are made on the methods for calculating PAIs as part of the annual reporting at entity level. A good practice is to indicate the share of investments for which the PAI calculation is based on actual data and the share for which the data are estimated. It is specified that even investment decisions taken by a delegate must be included in the reporting.

Another example: on the calculation of the Taxonomy alignment, it is recalled that the % published in the pre-contractual document constitutes a minimum commitment that must be respected. Initial conditions are provided for the “equivalent information”.

For the record, the SFDR technical standards apply as of January 1, 2023.