Publication by the Commission of a sustainable finance package


On June 13 2023, the European Commission published a sustainable finance package which includes:

  • Targeted amendments to the EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act, which expand on economic activities contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation not included so far – in particular in the manufacturing and transport sectors. The Commission has also adopted amendments to the EU Taxonomy Disclosures Delegated Act, to clarify the disclosure obligations for the additional activities.

  • A Commission Recommendation which illustrates how the sustainable finance framework encompasses transition finance and explains how companies, investors and financial intermediaries can voluntarily use the current sustainable finance framework to finance their transition to a climate neutral and sustainable economy, while enhancing their competitiveness, with practical examples and explanations.

  • Staff working document on the usability of the EU Taxonomy and the wider EU sustainable finance framework provides an overview of the key pillars of the framework now in place, and takes stock of recently adopted usability.

  • A proposal for a Regulation on the transparency and integrity of ESG rating activities.